Septic Inspections Tacoma

Just like other large appliances in your home or business place, the on-site septic system needs regular maintenance to keep working smoothly. Periodic septic inspections on any Tacoma, WA area property are a way of verifying that all is fine with the system.
Actually, septic system inspection is required by law to complete a real estate transaction and allow title transfer. Mortgage companies also demand septic inspections in properties that they are about to refinance. Septic systems inspections may also be necessary to fix septic problems and avoid trouble during a remodeling project.
HSCC1 & Services Inc. is glad to be the #1 choice of discerning property owners for septic inspections in Tacoma and its surrounding areas. No matter why you are interested in a septic system inspection, hire us to get it done:
- Quickly
- Meticulously
- Accurately and reliably
Septic System Inspection Tacoma

Depending on the purpose of a septic system inspection in a Tacoma property, it could be done by a visual inspection or full inspection. Visual septic system inspections involve checking the yard area where the system is installed, apart from running the faucets and flushing the toilets for some time to check the system for problems like leaks.
Full advanced septic inspections are much more detailed and demand thorough examination of all components of the system.
We have the capabilities and commitment for meeting all your septic system inspection needs in the most professional manner. Depend on us to perform your septic systems inspections with:
- State-of-the-art video cameras and tools
- Well-trained crew
- Great care and patience
- Due priority to safety
Septic Systems Inspections Tacoma
Some people are wary of hiring a septic service provider for conducting septic systems inspections. They feel that those who provide septic repair solutions might unnecessarily find faults with the system during the inspection.
Call us for septic systems inspections in Tacoma area properties with the full assurance of receiving ethical and unbiased services. We are also known to:
- Work fast, but without cutting corners
- Provide complete documentation of the work done
- Charge a fair and affordable fee
Smart people, however, appreciate the value of making septic inspections part of their routine property maintenance tasks. They also understand the importance of hiring certified and experienced professionals for conducting their septic systems inspections.
Want to know how more septic inspections costs and what they entail? Wish to schedule septic system inspection in your Tacoma area property? Call HSCC1 & Services Inc. at (253) 220-6868.